Sponsored Content
Sponsored content creates reader engagement when written in a newsworthy format. It displays in a prominent position on the magazine homepage and is included on the relevant magazine weekly newsletter. Sponsored content is designed to educate the reader and increase brand engagement.
Sponsored content does not affect user experience.
You may provide images, video embed codes and links in the article back to your website.
Sponsored Videos
Sponsored videos of 1-3 minutes are ideal in capturing your audience. Placed on a high profile portal on the magazine homepage and on KHL’s YouTube channel.
The KHL Digital Team will monitor your sponsored content and provide a full report on its performance.
Sponsored content works. Visitors look at native ads 53% more than banner ads and create an 18% increase in purchase intent.
Sponsored content fights ad fatigue. As long as the content is relevant and interesting, native advertising engages the audience.
Visitors know that sponsored content is a form of advertising. But don’t seem to care.
Position | Desktop | Tablet | Mobile | EUR | USD |
Sponsored content/Video
Headline (maximum 40 characters inc. spaces)
Body copy (maximum 250 characters inc. spaces)
Click-through URL to article (KHL can host article if needed)
Image size: High Res, 3:2 ratio JPEG*
*Images are processed to the best optimized size
dependant on viewing device size and to ensure that the image is loaded instantly
without delay
€4,450 | $5,340 |