
Get the week’s access, telehandler, MCWP and rental news delivered directly to your inbox. Beyond breaking news, the ALH newsletter also features relevant industry videos, in-depth features, market analysis and more.

6,727+ Opt-in
weekly distribution

Open rate

12.88% Click
through rate

Every week an average of 6,727 readers recieve the Access, Lifts & Handlers Newsletter for their industry news, advice and insight. You can reach these readers directly through the ALH newsletter, or through our e-blast and email marketing advertising opportunities.

  • Reach your audience direct to their inbox 4+ times a month
  • Direct buyers straight to your chosen landing page
  • Align your brand with the latest news for our industry


Please note: 15% discount available for non-agency clients.

Position USD/Monthly Average CTR
Sponsored content 1
Whether you want to build brand awareness or drive leads for your business, this format can do it all.
Headline: Max 60 characters including spaces Standfirst: Max 400 characters including spaces Button Text: Max 20 characters including spaces Image: 570px width by 190px height high res image Article: Five images (Jpeg or PNG formats), text (up to 3000 characters including spaces) or please supply a link to an article hosted on your own website.
$4,920 0.98%
Sponsored content 2
Text: Max 308 characters including spaces Button Text: Max 20 characters including spaces Image: 3:2 ratio image high resolution image Article: Five images (Jpeg or PNG formats), text (up to 3000 characters including spaces) or please supply a link to an article hosted on your own website
$4,080 0.98%
Sponsor banner 1&2
Excellent brand building position within high quality editorial content.
Desktop, Tablet, Mobile: 570 x 100 pixels
$1,770 0.52%
Sponsor banner 3&4
Desktop, Tablet, Mobile: 570 x 100 pixels
$1,550 0.52%
Sponsor banner 5&6
Desktop, Tablet, Mobile: 570 x 100 pixels
$1,340 0.52%
Button banners
Cost effective digital branding.
Desktop, Tablet, Mobile: 150 X 150 pixels
$1,020 0.29%

Dedicated to North America’s access & telehandler market!

Dedicated to the North American access and telehandler market, the Access Lift & Handlers Newsletter is published every Tuesday. Featuring unrivalled editorial quality that is written with the reader in mind.


Tony Radke
+1 602-721-6049
Get in touch!